Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Bulldog AnesthesiaShould my 6 years old Bulldog have an ACL Surgery (Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 4 years ago

ACL Surgery or no surgery for 6 years old Bulldog

Dr. Kraemer, Bella is a 6-year-old female English bulldog, She weighs
She is 45 lbs, she started to limp on her back right leg. I would call her an overly active dog. She likes to move around in the morning and then again at night by playing with her stuffed toys. She also loves to jump on the bed with the help of a stool, then on to the bed.

TPLO bulldog ACL tear Repair

Should my 6 years old Bulldog have an CCL Surgery / MRI

Surgery or no surgery for 6-year-old Bulldog Anterior cruciate ligament she went to our local vet for her annual check and her health and weight is good but the vet said she tore her CCL, does she need an MRI,

Surgery or no surgery for 6-year-old Bulldog ACL, they put her on an anti-inflammatory drug.

  1. what are the risks with English bulldogs and knee surgery?
  2. My worry is bulldogs under anesthesia; any help would be great, thank you for your time

your website has been fantastic for information

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 4 years ago

Answer to the ACL Surgery Dilemma for a 6 years Old Bulldog 

If she has a true ACL tear or even a partial tear with noticeable pain, surgery is usually recommended.


Bulldog ACL Surgery or no surgery DIAGNOSIS:

The diagnosis of bulldog ACL usually requires several steps that include:


Make sure that a proper orthopedic examination is done


Make sure that radiographs are taken of both knees, not just the supposed injured one as well as a proper hip one with the bulldog on it back (Ventrodorsally)

Ask that a radiologist or orthopedic surgeon review them

Bulldog ACL tear Radiograph


It serves as a useful tool to indicate the extent to which the dog is favoring a particular leg.

Keep in mind that there could be a bilateral ACL injury with an additional tear on the opposite side, and your bulldog is likely to favor the more painful leg.

Also, be aware of the possibility of other orthopedic and neurological injuries, such as

  • patella luxation
  • hip dysplasia.

Your veterinarian must conduct a thorough examination to check for these issues.

MRI for Bulldog ACL Tear:

Very rarely, an MRI is required.

Most times, a clinical presentation, an orthopedic exam, and radiographs are all that are required.

ACL Tear Surgical Repair  ANESTHESIA RISKS:


Make sure that the medical team is experienced with bulldog breed induction and recovery.


Make sure that pre-op labs are done; it should include urine in a 6-year-old bulldog, We also require a pre-op ECG and blood pressure


Make sure the hospital is using modern-day anesthesia monitoring.

Anesthesia safety in bulldogs


The effectiveness of the technique relies on the surgeon's experience and the success rate achieved with their chosen method.


Make sure that the surgeon is boarded and has experience with both the breed and the procedure.

TPLO is the gold standard for most bulldog ACL's

Bulldog TPLO surgery for ACL Ter



Lean body weight is critical for short- and long-term outcome


Stem cell therapy, cryobanking, laser therapy, and PRP. To learn more, see HERE

Stem Cells Injected into a knee w ACL Tear


Regardless of your decision, you should combine a long-term, balanced diet and supplements

Bulldog Total Joint Bundle Therapeutic for ACL Tear

Answer for Aging Bulldog ACL Tear Surgery or no surgery SUMMARY:

In general, TPLO is ideal for ACL Injury repair, especially for an active bulldog

To improve the overall outcome, consider embracing an integrative and holistic approach tailored to your pet's age, lifestyle, and availability for their recovery and rehabilitation.

If the ideal option is financially challenging, inquire about second- and third-best alternatives. If your current veterinarian is unwilling to explore other options, seek out a professional who is open to such discussions.

The relationship and trust you share with your vet, their competence and familiarity with the breed, and their understanding of this specific injury are paramount factors to consider.

therapeutic joint supplement for bulldogs ACL tear

To learn more, see "ACL Injuries: Tips and Warnings" HERE

Best of Luck


Dr. Kraemer


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