Bulldogs & French Bulldogs
Treat & Prevent

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   Skin / Coat

Bacterial Pyoderma

Bulldog Pyoderma Skin Bacterial Infection

What is that?

Most times, an infection is secondary to an allergy or immune suppression due to drugs like cortisone, a chronic disease such as parasitic infection, or an endocrine disease like hypothyroidism or Cushing's. Topical bully therapeutics are generally required and, at times, the most effective.


Often, itching that could be intense, hair loss, skin lesions, erythema, and bumpy papules. It could look like a "hot spot" or, in severe cases, oozy, deep draining tracks, fever, and illness.


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Ringworm Dermatophyte

ringworm infection in Fr. bulldog

What is that?

Bulldog ringworm is not a worm but a fungal infection caused by a group of fungi known as dermatophytes. It is contiguous transferring from one pet to another and from the environment. Additionally, it is zoonotic, allowing an infected bulldog to transmit the condition to humans.


Your bulldog might be itchy, with hair loss and scaling. Sometimes it represents the classic rink like raised circular "worm-like" lesion. If multiple pet's or a family member all have a skin problem at the same time, ringworm as the underlining cause is more likely


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Atopic Itch Allergy

Atopic Environmental Itch Allergic Dermatitis in Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs atopic itch dermatitis is usually seasonal and is due to environmental allergens. It's the most common bulldog allergy. Bully Topical Therapeutics is CRITICAL.


The hallmark of atopic dermatitis is chewing, itching, and scratching leading to hair loss, redness, flakes, and secondary infection. It can also affect the ears leading to ear infections.


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Food Allergy

Bulldog Food Allergy

What is that?

Bulldog food allergy is usually year-round (versa seasonal). It is generally triggered by dietary proteins such as chicken, beef, etc, and can induce gastric or/and skin allergic reactions.


Symptoms can combine digestive problems such as flatulence, diarrhea, and vomiting with/or skin & ears problems that typically include redness, itching, scratching, and biting that require topical bully therapeutics.


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Yeast Dermatitis

What is that?

Yeast Dermatitis (Malassezia) is usually secondary to allergies or other primary skin diseases. For prevention & treatment combine Dr. Kraemer's V4B Bully therapeutic topicals and supplements.


Yesty bulldog skin dermatitis infections typically present with greasy, smelly discolored dark brown skin, hair loss, flakes, and itching.


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Demodex Mite

bulldog localized puppy demodex red mite

What is that?

Demodex Red Mite is a skin condition common to bulldog puppies in the milder form and adults in the more serious and chronic form. The mite inhibits the hair follicles and is non-contiguous to other pets or/and humans.


In puppies, they mostly present as a non-itching bold spot . Adult generalized demodicosis is a diffuse distribution with patchy hair loss, itchy, often nasty looking, and infected. Topical therapeutics and immune-boosting supplements are recommended.


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Itching Allergies

Itching Allergies in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

The 4 most common bulldog allergies are bully atopic itching allergy, food allergy, flea allergy, and contact allergy.


Allergy's hallmark is an intense itch. The self-trauma leads to hair loss, redness, flakes, and secondary infections.


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