Prevent & Treat By Bulldog Age

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   By Age

Dr. K. Vet4Bulldog

About the preventive

Dr. Kraemer has decades of experience with the bulldog and French bulldog breeds, he was the founder and owner of a bulldog specialty hospital in Southern California. Dr. Kraemer also specializes in regenerative, preventive, and alternative medicine.


Read Dr. Kraemer's prevent, care, and maintain bully articles. Click the free "Ask Dr. K / Q & A", and review his blogs. We also recommend that you watch his bully care "how to" videos (our site & YouTube channel).


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Bulldog Vet

About the preventive

Annual senior preventive health and wellness Dr. exam that includes screening labs, blood pressure, orthopedic evaluation, blood tests, and urine analysis,


Ideally, the wellness exams and surgeries should be conducted and performed by a veterinarian experienced with the bulldog breed, and the check-up geared toward your bulldog's advancing age.


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Bully Therapeutic Supplements

About the preventive

Dr. Kraemer offers a wide range of easy-to-implement, safe, therapeutic supplements that were specially customized for your senior bulldog and Fr. bulldog. We offer comprehensive low-cost senior bulldog bundles.


To help maximize the benefits of Dr. Kraemer's V4B bulldog therapeutic supplements, an early start is advised. For optimal outcomes, extend the supplementary treatment for the remaining of your bulldog and Fr. bulldog life.


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Topical Bully Therapeutics

About the preventive

Dr. Kraemer offers a wide range of easy-to-implement, safe, therapeutic topicals that were specially customized for your senior bulldog and Fr. bulldog. We offer comprehensive low-cost senior bulldog bundles.


To help maximize the benefits of Dr. Kraemer's V4B Senior Bully topical therapeutics, an early start is advised. For optimal outcomes, extend the topical treatment for the remaining of your bulldog and Fr. bulldog life.


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Arthritis / Discomfort

About the preventive

Common bulldog orthopedic conditions such as hip and elbow dysplasia, ACL injuries, and back problems often lead to chronic osteoarthritis. Without prevention & care, arthritis will get worse as your bulldog age


Limp, lameness, discomfort, pain, inactivity, depression, reduced range of motion, and reluctance to climb stairs are common findings. Weight control quality diet and therapeutic supplements can help prevent those conditions. Other modalities include PRP, Stem Cells, and Laser Therapy.


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Blood & Urine Screening Test

About the preventive

Your aging senior bully wear & tear can lead to multi-organ failure and systems dysfunction. Early detection can help prevent or/and better manage those medical conditions and illness.


Annual preventive screening tests can help detect, prevent, and timely treat medical conditions. Lab tests included are blood count (CBC), blood chemistry, thyroid levels as well as urine analysis.


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Sedation / Anesthesia

About the preventive

Anesthesia and Sedation in bulldogs are complex and much riskier than in other dog breeds. The risk is likely to intensify as your bully ages.


Screening tests and a specially customized bully anesthetic protocol should be implemented. The procedure and monitoring should be conducted by a team experienced with bulldog anesthesia and the associated safety protocols.


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