Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) happens when the intervertebral disc herniates compressing the spinal cord. The disk is a soft toothpaste-like gel that separates each vertebra.
Disc compression can lead to a wide range of neurological problems such as pain, loss of sensory as well as motor deficits, incontinence, and foot-dragging. The range and intensity of the symptoms depend on the injury location and degree of compression.
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Seizures are episodes of disturbed brain activity that manifest in various forms, such as convulsions, sensory disturbances, or loss of consciousness. The most common seizure in young bulldogs is epilepsy, while older bulldogs, seizures is usually due to pathology and disease
Generalized seizures are usually recumbent, with leg peddling and teeth chattering, accompanied by other facial muscle spasms, and they might be unconscious. Focal seizures can present with fly biting and twitching behaviors.
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Most times, an infection is secondary to an allergy or immune suppression due to drugs like cortisone, a chronic disease such as parasitic infection, or an endocrine disease like hypothyroidism or Cushing's. Topical bully therapeutics are generally required and, at times, the most effective.
Often, itching that could be intense, hair loss, skin lesions, erythema, and bumpy papules. It could look like a "hot spot" or, in severe cases, oozy, deep draining tracks, fever, and illness.
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Bulldog Flank Alopecia is usually seasonal. The baldness is likely related to melatonin deficiency and lack of sunlight.
Bilateral, hyperpigmented skin darkening, non-itchy, patchy hair loss, and baldness of the flanks mostly the abdominal sides and top
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Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Inflammatory bowel disease is an immune-mediated origin (autoimmune disease) that is associated with a food allergy. IBD can be extremely debilitating including protein-losing enteropathy and vitamin B12 deficiency.
Chronic diarrhea, persistent vomiting, gradual weight loss, appetite loss, emaciation, dehydration, and fatigue
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Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Heart Base Tumors are usually chemodectomas with Chemoreceptor cells of their origin.
They usually affect the heart and heart sac (pericardium), leading to fluid accumulation in the heart sac and abdominal cavity.
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Bulldog dry eye or KCS (Keratoconjunctivitis sicca) is usually due to an autoimmune disease that affects tear production. Other underlining reasons could be sulfa drugs, hypothyroidism, and facial nerve injuries.
The transparent clear cornea becomes vascularized, cloudy, red, and thick. Discharge is often purulent. Corneal ulcers and vision loss are expected.
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