Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Bulldog and French Bulldog IVDDRisks of pain relief medication for French bulldog back pain 💊 (Answered)
Nicole Davidson asked 1 month ago

Risks of pain relief medication for French bulldog back pain 💊

Hi, Dr. Kraemer

My French Bulldog, Tiko age 4.5y, is currently taking twice daily Rimadyl, Gabapentin for pain, trazodone for anxiety, and Proviable to help manage his back and digestive issues. Finally, he is also taking Benadryl and Famotidine for the mast cell tumor he had removed

He started having frequent yelping episodes during the summer and we took him to our vet. There is, of course, a concern for IVDD in his case*.

pain medication risks for fr bulldog pain

We do have stairs for him to use for furniture and our human beds. He doesn't use them 100% of the time but does probably around 85-90% of the time.

He started having frequent yelping episodes during the summer and we took him to our vet. There is, of course, a concern for IVDD in his case* so we do have stairs for him to use for furniture and our human beds. He doesn't use them 100% of the time but does probably around 85-90% of the time.

I am attaching his back radiographs.

Are there risks in taking the V4B bulldog therapeutic? 🛡️

Should I be concerned about adding your products to his current protocol?

Also, is it possible I will eventually be able to remove the use of his current prescriptions?

Thank you,
Nicole & 🐾

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 1 month ago

Prescription Medication Warning ⚠️

Dear Nicole,
It’s important to recognize that no medication is entirely without risk. Most, if not all, drugs can cause adverse side effects, especially with long-term use.

Why My Frenchie is in Pain?

From your vet's description, he or she seems to associate the pain with a vertebral malformation at the last few thoracic vertebrae.

Are bulldog vertebral malformations painful?

🩺 It’s important to note that malformations are common in French Bulldogs. These abnormalities are often asymptomatic and are frequently discovered incidentally during radiographic examinations.

🩺 To prevent "tunnel vision" and the risk of overlooking the true cause, it is crucial to correlate clinical findings with radiographic evidence.

🩺 Your veterinarian diagnosis should corollate with pain at the suspected site noted during manual pressure, physical activities like jumping or climbing stairs, or other typical signs of back-related injuries.

I recommend having the radiographs reviewed by a radiologist to confirm the findings.

severe vertbral malformation in french bulldog

What Else Can Cause Sudden Pain and Yelping?

Keep in mind that other conditions can also cause sudden pain and yelping, such as

  • anal gland impaction
  • abdominal pain
  • urinary tract problems
  • other orthopedic problems such as luxating patella (MPL)

anal gland impaction ad

Bulldog Pain Medication MUST KNOW

➡️ Masking Pain: Pain serves as a critical warning signal, encouraging rest and caution to prevent further harm. Masking it with medication can not only exacerbate underlying issues but also give both owners and caregivers a false sense of confidence that the problem has been resolved.

➡️ Adverse Effects: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as Rimadyl, can cause side effects over time, including:

  • gastrointestinal issues (e.g., ulcers, dysbiosis)
  • kidney disease,
  • liver problems.

🚨It’s vital to weigh the risks and benefits of NSAID use

Solutions to Risks of pain relief medication for Fr. Bulldog back pain

#1 🩺DOSAGE & DURATION: reduce dosage and frequency whenever possible, and limit prolonged use.

#2 🩺 SAFER DRUGS: Replace it with safer newer-generation NSAIDs such as Grapiprant  (a PGE2 antagonist that acts at the EP4 receptor subtype instead of your current Cox-2 inhibitor)

#3 🩺ALTERNTIVE THERAPEUTICS: In addition to medications, several non-invasive cutting-edge or supportive therapies can help manage pain and promote healing:

  • Stem Cell Therapy & Cryobanking
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)
  • Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy (PEMF)
  • Cold Laser Therapy
  • Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation

#4 🩺BULLY THERAPEUTICS:  Non-prescription supplements designed for bulldogs can also help manage pain and inflammation.

They are generally safer for long-term use, cost-effective, palatable, and easier to administer.

  1. V4B Bully Comfort & AchLess Formula
  2. V4B Bully Total Joint Advance Formula
  3. V4B Bully Fish Oil EFA

pain and comfort supplement for bulldogs

#5. 🩺LIFESTYLE: Maintain lean body weight and focus on low-impact, non-strenuous exercise to reduce stress on the spine and joints.

#6 🩺 MONITORING: Monitor your bully closely when using any prescription medications.

  • Regular screening with lab work
  • follow-up exams
  • Get protective supportive supplements (e.g., bully probiotics and digestive enzymes to restore gut health) that can help mitigate potential side effects.

Bulldog Probiotics Bundle - Basic

💌Best of luck, and please keep us updated on your bulldog’s progress!

Warm regards,
Dr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog

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