Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Bulldog AnesthesiaMy Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery Question 🕊️(Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 4 years ago

My Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery 🕊️

My 2-year-old French bulldog had diarrhea, which resulted in her getting an anal prolapse overnight, i took her to her vet and the surgery went great with our vet saying she didn't believe she would prolapse again, she stayed 5 days at the vet.

Bulldog Rectal Polyps

I called to pick her up and the vet wanted to keep her to fix diarrhea, 5 days later still no cause or improvement, so she stayed the weekend on Monday morning I called and she passed away.

Why My Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery

We never got an answer to why she died; the vet said she never did blood work. Would a prolapse cause her to die after a successful surgery 14 days later?

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 3 weeks ago

Answer Why My Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery 🕊️

Dear Hicks and family, my condolences and sadness. I can only imagine the anguish and sense of loss. I hope I can bring some sense of closure to this tragedy.

Why My Bulldog Died  MEDICAL RECORDS

I do not have the medical record or the full details of the events, so I am not able to comment on the conduct of the medical team.

Nevertheless, I can make a few general comments that can hopefully help with the tough decisions our community of bulldog owners might be forced to make when faced with a similar situation.

Bulldog Puppy Rectal Prolapse

Bulldog rectal prolapse is a condition where rectal tissue protrudes through the anal opening.

Rectal prolapse typically occurs in bulldog and French bulldog puppies and is less common in adult bulldogs.

Answer Why My Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery

Bulldog Rectal Prolapse CAUSE

The exact cause of prolapse is not always clear, but in bulldog puppies, gastrointestinal parasites like Giardia and persistent diarrhea are suspected as underlying factors. Most common causes are:

  • Parasites: worms and protozoa
  • Dietary
  • IBD: chronic inflammation like IBD
  • Tumors
  • Rectal Polyps

The Importance Of Timely Treatment for Bulldog Rectal Prolapse

Early treatment is crucial. If the prolapsed tissue is viable and not severely traumatized, I attempt to reposition it using lubricants and then secure it with sutures for a few days to prevent re-prolapse.

Its important that the pursuing sutures are loose enough to allow proper elimination

Bulldog Rectal Prolapse SURGERY

If the prolapsed tissue is necrotic, surgical intervention is necessary. The dead tissue is removed, and the remaining portion of the large intestine is sutured to the anus.

⚠️Surgery should be avoided if possible, as rectal amputation can lead to complications such as infection and fecal incontinence.

Why my bulldog died after a rectal prolapse

Answer for My Bulldog Died Surgery PRE-OP WORKUP:

A diagnostic workup is required; examples are

  • ECG
  • CBC (complete blood count)
  • Blood Chemistry
  • Urine Analysis
  • Fecal Text
  • Radiographs
  • Ultrasound.

Botanical Fiber Supplement For Fr. Bulldog Rectal Prolapse

Answer to Why My Bulldog Died Vet-Owner Communication:

Updates, full transparency, and rationale for extended hospitalization are required.

Answer for Why My Bulldog Died from Rectal Prolapse Surgery 24H CARE:

Critical cases require after-hours care and medical staff supervision.

If the hospital is unable to provide this level of care, alternative options should be considered, such as referral to an overnight urgent care facility.

If a patient must remain overnight without medical supervision, the owner should be informed of the risks and required to sign a consent form.

Why My Bulldog Died  MEDICAL RECORDS:

Daily written records are required, including weight, vitals, test results, treatment given, and recommendations.

You can request a copy of the record and have the case reviewed by a third party

Answer to Why My Bulldog After Surgery  SUMMARY:

➡️ Diligence, trust, transparency, and adherence to medical standards are essential.

➡️ When these principles are upheld, there is acceptance and peace, regardless of the outcome.

Dr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog

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The information provided on this platform is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian regarding any medical condition. It's important to always consider professional medical advice promptly and not to delay seeking it based on information you've read on this platform. Any reliance on the information provided here is entirely at your discretion.