Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Allergies in Bulldogs and French BulldogsWhen to Start Bully Skin & Joint supplements (Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 3 years ago

When to Start Skin and Joint Supplements in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

I have noticed some issues with our 5-month-old Frenchie puppy.   He seems to have mild patella issues and visibly healthy but slightly itchy skin.

V4B Total Joint Handout - French Bulldog

Bulldog Supplements for MPL and Skin Problems

Are there supplements to use to help prevent future issues?


Thank you so much!

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 3 years ago

Answer for When to Start Bulldog Skin and Joint Supplements 

The answer for when to start skin and joint supplements in bulldogs goes back to the centerpiece of Dr. Kraemer's mission statement

An Ounce of PREVENTION is Worth a Pound of CURE

When to Start Skin and Joint Supplements in Bulldogs  EARLY START

Prevention should start early in life

Most supplements should be started before chronic disease ensues.

For young bulldog and French bulldog puppies, this includes therapeutic supplements and topicals for conditions such as:


To help prevent and manage

elbow dysplasia in bulldogs


To prevent and manage

  • Teeth decay and cavities
  • Plaque and tartar
  • bulldog periodontal disease


To prevent and manage

  • bulldog otitis
  • Aaural hematoma,
  • End-stage ear disease

bulldog resected diseased ear canal


To prevent and manage

  • Bulldog atopic dermatitis
  • Bulldog skinfold moist dermatitis

French Bulldog vaginal skinfold dermatitis


To prevent and manage

  • Bulldog vertebral malformation
  • Bulldog IVDD

severe vertbral malformation in french bulldog

Answer for When to Start Skin and Joint Supplements MPL AND SKIN

MPL in French Bulldog puppies is likely to progress over time. An early start with joint supplements is recommended.


Answer for When to Start Skin and Joint Supplements MPL AND SKIN


You should also maintain a lean body weight, balanced diet, and healthy activity that exclude acute load-bearing activities

To learn more about bulldog and French bulldog puppies, MPL, see HERE

The same preventive care & wellness mission applies to bulldog and French bulldog skin problems.

Many of the common bully skin conditions can be prevented and managed with only supplements and topical therapeutics.

therapeutic joint supplement for bulldogs arthritis

Answer for When to Start Skin and Joint Supplements in Bulldogs PREVENT & TREAT

I developed a bully prevention & treatment filter that you can find on the home page of the vet4bulldog store that will match common bully conditions with my recommended products and low-cost bundles.

Recommended by Owners Approved by Bulldogs


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The information provided on this platform is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian regarding any medical condition. It's important to always consider professional medical advice promptly and not to delay seeking it based on information you've read on this platform. Any reliance on the information provided here is entirely at your discretion.