Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: bulldog puppy hairlossBaby bully born with a hairless diamond on his head Question (Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 4 years ago

Baby bulldog was born with a diamond on his head

Dr. Kraemer

My baby bully was born with a diamond on his head. Hello, I contacted you last week from Texas about my baby bully, born 10 days ago, with a hairless diamond-shaped area on his head.

You asked that I post a picture. I would appreciate any input about his condition.

Baby Bully born with a Diamond on his head

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 4 years ago

Answer for Baby Bully born with a Hairless Diamond on his Head


It's hard to know without conducting some diagnostic tests, but I would not be overall concerned about it. From the photo, I cannot detect a swell redness or discoloration.

Answer for Baby Bully born with a Hairless Diamond on his Head CAUSE:

  • Demodex mites: they get from their mom
  • Vascular Defect:
  • Bacteria: less likely

bulldog baby bold spot on forehead

Answer for Baby Bully born with a Hairless Diamond on his Head DIAGNOSIS

The only way to find out what it is will be to run some diagnostic tests. I would start with a skin scrape to rule out  demodex (red mite)

Other recommended diagnostic tests are:

  • cytology
  • biopsy
  • fungal culture DTM, etc. t

Answer for Baby Bully born with a Hairless Diamond on his Head BIRTH DEFECT

It might be some  "vascularization birth defect" bolding problem (focal poor blood supply, thus the bold spot).

Answer for Baby Bully born with a Hairless Diamond on his Head BULLDOG THERAPEUTICS

For now, you can wipe with a bully antiseptic wipe

French Bulldog XL Antiseptic Skinfold Wipes Handout

Keep me posted, very sweet pups


Dr. Kraemer, Vet4Bulldog

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