Does my Bulldog Need Soft Palate and Nose Surgery?
My local vet said Axl needs surgery for his soft palate and possibly his nose.
What is the approximate cost? I want an experienced surgeon. You are about 2 hours from me but I worry about just the vet
Answer for Does My Bulldog Need Soft Palate Surgery
Dear Gayle
Please upload a photo of your bulldog's nose. It is important to determine if there are other BOAS conditions in addition to the elongated soft palate.
Stenotic nares can be easily diagnosed during an exam or based on a close-up photo of the nose
Answer for Does My Bulldog Need Soft Palate Surgery: VISUAL EXAM:
Even if there is good reason to believe that your bulldog is suffering from an elongated palate based on signs such as stridor worsening during excitement or aerobic activity in your bulldog, the definitive diagnosis of an elongated soft palate must be conducted under anesthesia.
Unlike stenotic nares, visualization can only be done under anesthesia.
I write about it extensively here.
Answer for Does My Bulldog Need Soft Palate Surgery: COST
In terms of expenses, if your bulldog or French bulldog displays symptoms indicative of an elongated soft palate, it's advisable to undergo surgery sooner rather than later.
Elongated palates get worse over time, and left unaddressed, they can potentially lead to various additional medical complications.
The cost and risk to your pet will only get worse
Answer for Does My Bulldog Need Soft Palate Surgery: SURGEON
It is in your and your bulldog's best interest to proceed promptly. Many veterinarians have limited experience with the breed, inadequate training in the procedures, and may lack the necessary expertise in anesthetic safety and protocols.
Don't shop around for prices; shop around for expertise.
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