Senior Bulldogs Care & Treatment

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   Senior

Weight / Excerise

Weight Control and Exercise in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Being overweight and obese can lead to many medical problems and affect your senior bulldog's quality of life and life expectancy.


Caloric intake, balanced diet & supplementation, moderate play, and stimulating activity will help prevent weight-related senior medical conditions, and help keep your senior bully in physical shape and mentally sharp.


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Nutrition / Diet

The Best Diet for You Senior Bulldog and French Bulldog

What is that?

A balanced diet and proper nutrition are essential to your senior bully’s health and well-being. Supplementary nutrients and nutriceuticals, vitamins, minerals, immune boosters, fiber, and probiotics that are specially formulated for your bulldog can be added daily.


There isn’t one superior best senior bulldog diet that fits all, your choice might depend on factors such as food sensitivity, activity and lifestyle, medical history, and your senior bulldog food’s personal taste and preference.


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Fecal / Deworming

Bulldog and French Bulldog Fecal Parasite Deworming Warning

What is that?

Intestinal parasites can be harmful to your senior bulldog, other pets, and your family members. Proper hygiene and routine fecal testing are recommended.


A fecal exam should be done during your senior bulldog annual exam. Some of the flea and heartworm preventives also prevent intestinal parasites.


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Flea Preventive

Fleas and Allergies in Bulldog and French Bulldog Puppies

What is that?

The adult flea is only 5% of the flea cycle the other 95% is in your surroundings, thus flea preventive for the entire summer or even the entire year is recommended.


If your senior bulldog is exhibiting skin problems consistent with a flea allergy, start our V4B topical & supplements therapeutics itch control. Fleas carry the tapeworm, deworm your senior bully for tapeworms if fleas are found.


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Heartworm Prevention

Bulldog Heartworm transmission and illness

What is that?

Heartworms are transmitted by a mosquito bite, they clog the heart vessels and heart chambers, and are potentially life-threatening.


Heartworm preventives can be given annually by injection or monthly via the oral or topical route.


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Stem Cell Therapy & Cryobanking

Bulldog and French bulldog Stem Cells Therapy and Cryobanking

What is that?

Same-day stem cell therapy treatment or recalled cryobanked stem cells can help prevent and treat a wide range of medical problems. It requires little to no anesthesia and is relatively painless.


Stem cells can be extracted and treatment provided on the same day, in addition, multiple treatments can be cryobanked at a young age for future needs.


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