Bulldog Skinfolds / Wrinkles
Care & Treatment

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   Skin Folds / Wrinkles

Interdigital Cyst

Interdigital Cysts in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldog interdigital cysts seen in the interdigital web space are usually due to your bulldog's bristly short hair traumatic implantation and inward growth during movement. Skinfold moist dermatitis, allergies, and obesity will compound the problem.


Red oozy swollen red bumps between your bulldog toes. They can be painful, your bully might limp, and the infected inflamed cyst might rupture, bleed, and get infected.


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Anal Gland Disease

Anal Gland Abscess, impaction and infection in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Your bulldog’s anal glands are embedded in the anus muscles at 5 and 7 o'clock, thus not readily visible. Each one of the pairs has its own glandular sac and attached ducts that normally empty into the rectum during defecation.


The anal gland's most common problem is impaction, which causes itching, scooting, and pasty, pungent, oily discharge. Anal gland-infected abscesses present as a large, red, swollen gland that often ruptures and leaks bloody discharge.


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Bulldog Community

Skin Acne

What is that?

Bulldog skin acne usually happens due to moisture and dampness. Drooling, water bowl chin dipping and moist food stuck on the chin are some of the common reasons. Common areas are the lips and chin


Facial red raised bumpy inflamed lesions and blackheads. Untreated bulldog acne can progress to bleeding scabby oozy painful wounds with draining tracks, and pustules that can lead to a chronic disfigured scar-like dermis.


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'Preventive Care'
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