Category: Urinary / Reproduction
Mammary Gland Tumor
What is that?
Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Mammary (Brest) Tumors are much more likely in intact females. 50% are maligned the other 50% are benign that carry a better prognosis.
Bulldog breast tumors are lumpy and hard masses embedded in the breast tissue. They can be pea-size lumps to large-size hard or cystic tumors.
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Spay & Neuter
What is that?
When reaching sexual maturity male and female bulldogs can usually mate and reproduce but due to the bulldog and Fr. Bulldog's large head C-section is usually required. Most owners prefer sterilization at a young age to avoid cystic ovaries (photo), breast cancer, pyometra, and unwanted pregnancies.
An intact female bulldog can come into estrus (heat) usually exhibiting engorged vulva and vaginal bleeding around 8-10m old. The male at that time become sexually active. The spay or neuter should be done by a veterinarian familiar with the breed and anesthetic safety protocols.
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Kidney Disease
What is that?
Bulldog kidney disease (renal disease) might be acute or chronic. The cause can be congenital (inborn) or acquired due to stones, infection, hypertension, immune-mediated disease, etc.
Bulldog Kidney disease patients might drink, and pee excessively becomes ill, lose weight, stop eating, vomit, or/and cry in pain.
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