Honey Antibacterial and Wound Healing in Bulldogs

By: Dr. Roy Kraemer |
DVM, Bulldog Specialist Veterinarian

They both possess antibacterial and enhanced healing properties. treating bulldog wound with honey

Honey and Sugar for Bulldog Wound Care / THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES:

  • wound care
  • cuts
  • abscesses
  • burns
  • hot spots
  • puncture wounds
  • laceration 
  • surgical incision
  • degloving injuries
  • Manuka honey bulldog laceration repair

Honey for Bulldog Wound-Care /  MEDICAL GRADED versa GNERIC :

Medical-grade honey has superior sterility and better antibacterial properties, but it is much more expensive.
Commercial generic table honey and sugar packets from your local coffee store can also be used effectively.
The generic over-the-counter honey you buy at your local store is not pasteurized but ultrafiltered, and considered safe to use
The most popular medical-grade honeys are:
  1. MANUKA: Leptospermum from the New Zealand manuka trees
  2. GREENHOUSE: the less-known greenhouse hydrophilic honey gel.

You also have the option to purchase pre-made honey-infused bandages.


Medical-grade honey is costly, but it provides:

  • customized formulations
  • superior sterility
  • superior outcome

Honey and Sugar Wound Care in Bulldogs / HELPS:

  • Improve re-epithelialization.
  • Reduce wound size.
  • Reduce pathogens.
  • Reduce inflammation.
  • Improve granulation.
  • Improve healing.
  • Improve local immunity.
  • Reduce Edema
  • Draws lymphatics nutrients and energy to the wound.
  • Promote new blood vessels.
  • Reduce bad odor.
  • Keep wounds moist
  • Facilitate debridement
  • Modulate the local immune reaction

Honey has a hydrogen peroxide-like chemical called inhibin 


Honey is found to be effective against wounds infected with just MRSP like ours.

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Sugar For Bulldog and French Bulldog Wound Care

Sugar is a cheap means to treat infected and contaminated bulldog wounds; it is hyperosmolar, anti-inflammatory, and can help kill bacteria and promote healing.

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