Hot Spots In Bulldogs And French Bulldogs

By: Dr. Roy Kraemer |
DVM, Bulldog Specialist Veterinarian

Hot Spots in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs, also referred to as “bulldog moist dermatitis” or “bulldog moist eczema,” is a condition that can arise from various factors.

Hot Spots in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs / PRESENTATION:

A bulldog hotspot typically presents as a focal area on your bulldog’s skin that appears

  • Sticky hair
  • Ulcertively inflamed
  • Dark red, discolored.
  • Infected, purulent
  • Intense itch
  • Painful

Hot Spots in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs TRIGGER:

Bulldog hotspots are typically triggered by an itchy irritant, Examples include:

  1. FLEAS: Bulldog flea bite allergy
  2. INSECT BITE: Arthropods like spider bites, ant bites, etc.
  3. ALLERGIC REACTION: an allergic reaction often to plants, trees, grass, or food.
  4. SKINFOLD DERMATITIS: dampness and moisture provide an ideal breeding ground for bacteria and yeast, such as bulldog skin fold dermatitis.

The initial reaction is an inflamed area that is usually itchy and painful, triggering an intense bite-and-scratch cycle in the affected area.

The self-trauma compounds the initial inflammation.

It further intensifies the discomfort and itch leading to an infection (pyoderma).

Bulldog hot spot

Hot Spots in Bulldogs / LOCATION:

Hot spots can occur all over the body, but one of the most common areas is under the flap of the ear and neck.

Bulldogs are predisposed to hot spots due to the abundance of moist skin folds around the face and head, which is a breeding ground for bacteria and yeast.

Hot Spots in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs PAIN WARNING:

Bulldog hotspot is due to persistent biting and scratching at a particular area of the skin.

Your bulldog might appear to be sensitive to touch. You should carefully check the area for redness, bleeding, pus, and infection.

Remember, this condition is extremely painful, so you must be careful about how you approach and handle the medical care at that site.

Hot Spots in Bulldogs / TREATMENT:


We usually try to clip away the fur surrounding the area of irritation.


Carefully and completely clean the area with a topical antiseptic rinse that will help kill the bacteria and alleviate the infection.

like Dr. Kraemer’s:

BULLDOG bacterial skin infection


We often inject some form of cortisone to help reduce the pain, itch, and inflammation.


We often prescribe or inject an antibiotic to combat bacterial infection (pyoderma).


Hot spots in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs can cause severe itching. Therefore, the use of an Elizabethan collar (cone) is beneficial in preventing further self-trauma and irritation of the affected area, aiding in the healing process.

Bulldog hot spot spray

We must determine the cause of the hotspot.

  • Does your bulldog and/or French bulldog need to be treated regularly for fleas?
  • Is your bulldog and/or French bulldog allergic to a particular plant growing outside your home?
  • Do you need to clean your bulldog skin folds more often?
  • Are you treating it with the wrong product?
  • Are you treating yourself often enough?

Once you have answers to these questions, you can take preventive action such as a flea preventative, allergy control, or skin fold care.

Preventive care helps avoid re-occurrence, and it promotes a happier, healthier pet.

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