Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Allergies in Bulldogs and French BulldogsBulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst Surgery (Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 4 years ago

Bulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst Surgery 

My bulldog has been on Apequol for years now. His paws are always bad in the summer months and are usually fine in cold weather. This year his paws are pretty bad in the winter months.

Typically the cysts occur on the top of his paws in between his pads but lately, they are blistering under his paws and I between his pads.

My vet recommended cyclosporine to help solve my bulldog interdigital cysts.

bulldog and French bulldog interdigital cysts

I’m hesitant to start it. I do chlorohexidine soaks daily. I don’t know how to proceed. I used to think this was an environmental allergy related but not sure anymore.

Also, do you recommend the removal of his webs in between toes as a solution? I’d really rather not do that but vet also suggested this.


1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 4 years ago

Answer for Bulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst Surgery or Not

Dear Tammy, your vet should first try to figure out the underlying cause; once it is identified, it will be easier to customize an integrative response.

If it's seasonal, I would lean towards allergies such as bully allergic itch atopic dermatitis.

Nevertheless, I suspect that it is bulldog interdigital cysts which is often a cyclic condition with periods of flaring and periods of calm.

Answer for Bulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst  CAUSE

Bulldog interdigital cysts are usually due to a plugged, inflamed, or sometimes infected, injured hair follicle.

bulldog interdigital blister cyst

The injury usually occurs due to:

  • Trauma: traumatic implantation
  • Excessive weight
  • Short, bristly hair
  • Toe webbing

Other factors are orthopedic problems such as bully elbow dysplasia that affect your bulldog gate and weight placement.

This unfortunate combination results in an abnormal movement of the hair shaft during walks, coupled with continuous friction between the toes and pads. The affected follicle becomes inflamed, blocked, swollen, red, and may eventually erupt.

bulldog interdigital cyst infection

The blistered cyst can become infected, itchy, itchy, and painfully.

Answer to Bulldog Paw Interdigital Fusion Podoplasty Surgery:

Resorting to surgery should be a final consideration, as when performed improperly, it can exacerbate the issue.

The suggested surgical method is fusion podoplasty. Given its complexity and technical demands, this procedure should be performed by an experienced surgeon well-versed in this technique.

Tip: bully interdigital cyst blisters on top but the origin is in the bottom of the paw

Answer for Bulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst: RX 

Medical management is my method of choice for most cases, which often requires short-term RX that includes anti-inflammatories such as steroids, NSAIDs, or cyclosporine, as well as antibiotics and pain management.


Cyclosporine's common side effects are GI symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Answer for Bulldog Paw Interdigital Cyst  THERAPEUTIC PREVENTIVES

Long-term management usually includes dipping and soaking with Epson salts mixed with antibacterial and antifungal-like


  1. Mix the bully skinfold antiseptic rinse with Epson salt in lukewarm water and soak for 5-10 minutes once or twice a day.
  2. You can wipe under the paw and between the digits with the

To help reduce discomfort and inflammation, you can add supplements like the

bulldog paw dermatitis Bundle - Ultimate

If your bulldog is suffering from arthritis, you should also add a joint supplement like the

Last, I treated severe cases with stem cell therapy; you can see the before and after HERE.

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