Senior Bulldog with Paw Cysts and Ear Problems Recommendation Question
Dr. Kraemer
What V4B bully products do you recommend I purchase for a combined ear and paw cyst problem? Please help us help our bully.
My bulldog is an elder English Bulldog with extremely inflamed paw cysts and her ears produce a lot of wax all the time.
We continue to wipe her paws and rinse her ears but the products we are using do NOT seem to help resolve the problem.
What V4B Products to Purchase Please advise on a sample bundle to purchase to help our Bully feel better.
Thank You!
Answer for What Therapeutic to Use for Bulldog's Paw Cysts and Ear Problems
I am assuming you are referring to interdigital cysts and otitis externa, though bulldogs can suffer from a variety of paw and ear diseases.
The singular common factor connecting bulldog paw dermatitis, interdigital cysts, and ear diseases is allergies, along with the genetic predispositions of bulldog breeds to these conditions.
Keep in mind that the two problems could very well be unrelated.
Paw Problems In Bulldogs and French Bulldogs
I listed for you a few paw problems common to the breed:
Pododermatitis is often associated with allergies
An interdigital cyst is usually due to abnormal hair growth, traumatic implantation, or overweight
Paw moist skin fold dermatitis is due to dampness trapped between the toes and paw pads, which provides an excellent breeding ground for yeast and bacteria infection.
Foxtails are grass-like weeds that can get stuck in the paw and present as a draining track-abscessed "cyst.".
Recommended V4B Bully Therapeutics for Bulldog Paw Diseases:
I listed for you a few of the therapeutic topicals I most commonly use for the breed paws
Mix lukewarm water with Epson salt and color it with the V4B Bully Antiseptic Skinfold Rinse. Soak the paw in it for 5 minutes daily.
This combo is ideal for bulldog interdigital cyst
The bully antiseptic wipes come in two sizes: small round and the popular large square pullout. I recommend wiping once or twice a day.
The antiseptic wipes are ideal for pododermatitis and skinfold paw dermatitis
We also offer low-cost paw-care BULLY BUNDLES
Answer for Bulldog Ear Disease Treatment
Bulldogs are born with atypical ear canals, characterized by their narrow structure, insufficient ear canal cell migration, and limited wax movement. These factors impact the ear canal's ability to self-clean.To learn more, click HERE
Prevent and care routine ear cleaning is critical
Recommended V4B Bully Therapeutics for Bulldog Ear Diseases:
The primary preventive measure for ear diseases involves regularly cleaning, wiping, and flushing your bulldog's ears every week or as necessary.
- V4B Bully WaxLess Aloe Ear Rinse
- V4B Yeast Bully Ear Clean
- V4b Bully Cleansing Wipes
Use my V4B Ear Cleaning Kits and Economic Bundles
Bulldog Paw and Ear Therapeutic Supplements PREVENT & CARE
To address both ear and paw diseases in bulldogs, along with topical treatments, consider incorporating supplements that can diminish inflammation and enhance skin barrier function and hydration.
- V4B Fish Oil Skin-Immune-Joints
- V4B Bully Skin & Coat Dermal Health
- V4B Bully Immune Support
Dr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog
Reccomended by Owners Approved by Bulldogs
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