Bulldog Tail Pocket Maintenance Question 🌀
Hello, we are currently trying to get our routine down with cleaning our bulldog's tail pocket. This is our third bulldog, but our first experience with tail pocket issues.
Bulldog Tail Pocket Smell
The vet says it is not infected, but it is VERY stinky and she gets little brown smelly spots on our blankets, and we have not found an effective cleaning routine.
There is so much advice out there that it has become confusing - ugh! Now that I have read your website, I feel like I can narrow it down to 2 products - a more effective rinse and then a protective barrier for the moisture (we currently have just a chlorhexidine rinse).
Bulldog Tail Pocket Daily Clean
A couple of questions - would the use aquaphor be effective for the moisture barrier? That is what we use for many skin ailments and it is also used for baby diaper rash. I am going to order your rinse and make our own "wipes" - I see that daily cleaning is recommended. In the beginning, should I (would it be safe) to use the rinse twice a day until we get the odor under control? Or just stick to a consistent daily routine?
We are committed to any routine necessary, just want some good sound advice on what will be safe as well as EFFECTIVE. Fortunately, she does not seem to be sore at this point nor does it appear to bother her - except when she leaves her smell/brown stuff she tends to sniff and lick it (sorry not trying to be gross).
Thank you in advance for your additional help!
Your website is WONDERFUL!
Answer for Bulldog Tail Pocket Maintenance 🌀
Dear Dana
Bulldog and French bulldog Tail Skin Fold Moist Dermatitis are very common in the breed; some are mild and easy to prevent and treat, while others are already advanced, infected, painful, and much harder to maintain.
The sooner you start, the better, Prevention is the key to success
Tail folds are not the only bulldog skinfold dermatitis problem. Other common skinfold bulldog locations are the:
- face
- nose
- toes
- inguinal
- vaginal
- neck
We offer different Bully Skin Fold Therapeutic Products, which provide the essentials for bully skin fold maintenance
The V4B Bully Skinfold XL Antiseptic wipes are the most popular
Answer for Bulldog Tail Pocket Maintenance Benefits:
The Vet4Bulldog (V4B) Bully Skin provides:
Bulldog Tail Pocket Therapeutics
V4B Bully Antiseptic Skin Fold Lotion is ideal for hairy areas such as skin folds of the neck, the top part of the tail, and paws.
V4B Bully Antiseptic Skin Fold Spray is ideal for skin surface dermatitis, hot spots (pyoderma), and difficult-to-reach areas.
V4B Bully Antiseptic Skin Fold Wipes is ideal for all infected skin surfaces and folds, such as the face, nose, tail, vagina, and toes.
V4B Bully Antiseptic Skin Fold Rinse can be used for soaking the toes and interdigital cysts with Epson salts
Answer for Bulldog Tail Pocket Maintenance ANTISEPTIC WIPES
I designed two types of bully skinfold antiseptic wipes
For your bully tail, I recommend the XL one; it is:
- Economical
- Utilitarian
- Easy to use and pull
- Medicate large surfaces
- Protect your hands and fingers from the smell and debris.
Answer for Bulldog Tail Fold Prevention: HOW OFTEN?
➡️ Skinfold cleaning should be done daily.
➡️ You should go all the way under the tailbone, clean the entire pocket, and wipe from 3 to 9 o'clock a few times.
In a severe acute case, the area can be sealed with an Rx-medicated ointment or powder.
Good Luck
Dr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog
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