Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Bulldog Regurgitating Megaesophagus Gastric RefluxFrench bulldog having possible stuck epiglottitis🔄(Answered)
Carrie Cisewski asked 3 months ago

French bulldog having possible stuck epiglottitis🔄

Dr. Kraemer,  my name is Carrie C my bulldog's name is Ellianna, I am contacting you about her in regards to episodes she has been getting since she was 8 months old.

Seem like an asthma attack, having trouble swallowing having trouble breathing and it is a sudden onset

Fr. Bulldog vomiting question to Dr. Kraemer

BOAS Repair

She is three and a half; at first they thought that her nares, and the soft palate and the sacks were the problem, she has had all that taken care of.


Vomiting Due to Allergies

Then when that didn't work they moved on to allergies, and over the past couple years that still has not worked we have switched foods put her on different meds steroid shots apoquel , did allergy injections, and yet she still keeps having these episodes , she could have one every two weeks,  once a month, one every other month there is no timing with them.

Breathing and Asthma Attacks

With the episode , she starts to have what first seem like an asthma attack having trouble swallowing having trouble breathing and it is a sudden onset, one minute she is perfectly fine and then flip of a switch it's happening, we cannot pinpoint what it is that causes it if it's a smell if it's her chewing on a bone if it's something she's eating take your pick we have racked our brains.


I have switched vets and we now know that her stomach is involved somehow she gets very gassy very burpy you can hear the air rolling around.

She has had one bout of the hemorrhagic gastritis now, she ends up throwing up for a really bad episode. We are possibly wondering if it is a stuck epiglottis at the time of this episode and I am just trying to find more resources to help me out for my little girl.

Thank you so much one very tired fur Mama here. That would just love to get her puppy some relief. 🩷

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 3 months ago

Answer for French bulldog having possible stuck epiglottitis

Dear Carrie,
Ellianna looks so sweet and good-natured. Watching the videos you sent, I can see why this is so upsetting and distressing for you and your family.


Based on your videos and notes, it seems that her episodes primarily occur when she's relaxed or sleeping, rather than during periods of excitement or activity. Additionally, there don’t appear to be any signs of vomiting, retching, or regurgitation.


The sounds in the video could be consistent with

  • stertor
  • sleep apnea
  • spasms
  • or reverse sneezing.

However, spasmatic constriction of the upper airways should also be ruled out.

red bulldog laryngeal mass

1. BOAS: Brachycephalic Obstructive Airway Syndrome

While an underlining BOAS would typically be my first concern, you mentioned that her palate has been trimmed, saccules removed, and her nostrils surgically widened. Despite these interventions a few years ago, the problem persists.

Fr bulldog breathing problems episodes


Other potential airway obstructions—such as restricted nasal cavities, pharynx, or larynx due to swallowing, mass, polys, etc.—should still be explored.

You mentioned that contrast radiographs were normal. To help identify structural abnormalities, masses, or polyps, diagnostic tests will be required:

➡️ Oral examination: performed under anesthesia using proper lighting and a dental mirror.

➡️ Advanced imaging, including rhinoscopy & endoscopy and CT or MRI

Fr. Bulldog BOAS repair

2. Spasem and Swelling Due to Environmental Allergies

An environmental trigger (such as allergens) might lead to spasms or temporary swelling, leading to those sporadic, sudden episodes.

French bulldog nighttime breathing problems


To investigate and monitor her environment during episodes and consider common triggers, monitor and make notes of:

  • seasonal changes: does the problem intensify during a specific time of the year?
  • Specific rooms in the house: are there room locations, bedding,  pillows, toys, etc. that seem to be a common factor?
  • Products: any topicals like spray, shampoo, flea preventive or oral treats, chew toys, etc


Allergy medication trials can provide clues: if symptoms improve soon after, it may suggest an allergic cause. You mentioned steroid prescriptions; do those help?

3. Gastrointestinal Causes (GERD, Hiatal Hernia, Esophagitis)

Gastric reflux is a possibility, especially if conditions like GERD or a hiatal hernia are present. However, based on your notes, there’s no mention of related symptoms like regurgitation, retching, or vomiting, or the diagnosis of megaesophagus and aspiration pneumonia.

Those conditions can be ruled out with a contrast study, endoscopy, and ultrasound.

4. Reverse Sneezing

Reverse sneezing, common in flat-faced breeds, involves sporadic episodes of rapid air intake. It’s harmless but can appear dramatic.


During an episode, gently press and massage her larynx (“Adam’s apple”) to see if the problem improves.

5. French Bulldog Sleep Apnea

For more on sleep apnea, please refer to my article [HERE].

Bulldog puppy with sleep apnea

Preventive Measures

While diagnostics are ongoing, here are some harmless preventive steps to try:

➡️ Reverse Sneezing Maneuver: As described above.

➡️ Environmental Allergies: Add an EPA air filter and humidifier and remove potential triggers

➡️ Neck & Head Support: When she sleeps, keep her neck stretched with a pack of towels or a small pillow. Or place a soft buster collar to keep the head up and neck stretched.  you can also tape a pulse electromagnetic therapy loop to the collar to help reduce inflammation

PEMT donut for bulldog sleep apnea➡️ Late-night meal: Offer a small meal before bedtime to reduce potential reflux.

➡️ Stem Cell Therapy: can help reduce allergy swelling and information and improve her immunity



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Good luck, and please keep me updated on Ellianna’s progress.

Warm regards,
🩺Dr. Kraemer, Vet4Bulldog

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