Ask Dr. KraemerCategory: Palate Surgery for BulldogsVomiting French Bulldog With Pinched Nose (Answered)
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff asked 6 years ago

Vomiting French Bulldog With Pinched Nose

Good morning Dr. Kraemer and greetings from Fairbanks, Alaska where the current temperature is 30 below.  We purchased our little french bulldog "Potato" aka. "Po" from the states this past summer in July when I was completing a clinical placement for graduate school.

Now 8 months old, he is happy as a clam in Alaska (as the cool climate suits him well and he actually loves hopping around in the snow like a little fox).  The only problem is...he vomits multiple times a day.  He vomits up most frequently after he has water (less frequently when he drinks small amounts from his rabbit feeder and almost 100% of the time when he drinks from his big brother's (a german shepherd) elevated bowl.

He throws up frequently after he's eaten food, and he throws up almost consistently when he's being a wild little man and ripping around the house "zooming."  99% of the time his vomit has food in it (as he NEVER chews his food).


He snores occasionally, but not all the time.  We have VERY few french bulldogs anywhere close to our area and upon asking our agility community and calling around I can't seem to locate anyone who has much experience with the brachycephalic syndrome.


We have family in Southern California (and are always looking for an excuse to get out of the darkness and into the sun), so potentially seeing you is not out of the question.  I'm just wondering if you think it sounds like he might have stenotic nares or an elongated soft palate.  I am also wondering if we absolutely have to get a referral from our "primary vet" (who he has literally only seen once) to be seen by you or if we can request an appointment without.  I know it's impossible to determine his condition on this platform (haha though it does appear as though you are an expert), but I at least enclosed a picture I just took of his sleeping face (showing his tiny little nose holes).  I thank you so much for your time and look forward to your response.

With gratitude,
Marissa J. Williams and Potato

Vomiting French Bulldog Potato aka Po from Alaska

1 Answers
Dr. Roy Kraemer Staff answered 6 years ago

Answer for Vomiting French Bulldog

Dear Marissa and fellow members of our Alaska community,

Stenotic nares in French bulldogs are a common issue and can be readily diagnosed. However, other conditions associated with brachycephalic syndrome, such as

Bulldog and French Bulldog Stenotic Pinched Nares

  • elongated soft palate
  • laryngeal problems,
  • hypoplastic trachea

typically require sedation or radiographs for diagnosis.

From the photo you provided, it's evident that Po has severe pinched nares (stenotic nares) that should be addressed.

Bulldog stenotic nares after cut before suture

Additionally, it's recommended to conduct radiographs, both plain and with barium/contrast (to rule out hiatal hernia). If you could send me a video of Po's breathing during the activity, I may be able to identify any audible stridor.

bulldog stenotic nares Bundle - Essential

Please schedule a visit for your next appointment; we'd be delighted to meet the famous Po the Alaskan Frenchie in person.

In the meantime, it's crucial to prevent aspiration (inhalation pneumonia). I've included detailed notes on feeding, diet, and medication (including anti-reflux and anti-vomiting medications) for your reference.

Fr. Bulldog V4B StressLess Formula Handout

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Dr. Kraemer Vet4Bulldog

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