English Bulldog Breathing Issues After Surgery
Hello, Doctor Kraemer
My male bulldog 4 years old "Blu" has had soft pallet surgery and is still having breathing issues. he also had the nose job (airway surgery) around the same time.
just think that the surgery was not effective or another issue going on. Like his airway is blocked.
Snoring, heaving breathing has continued post surgery.
I have attached the surgery document from the vet done in 2021. The vet wants us to get his weight down, but it is hard even to walk him because he struggles for air.
His breathing is loud and is worse when excited or during any activity. It sounds like he struggles to inhale. During walks, we have had to carry him home due to collapsing from lack of air.
It's devastating because he is our favorite child. I can deal with his ears and folds but to watch him struggle to breathe is heart-wrenching.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. ❤️🙏
Answer for English Bulldog Breathing Issues After Surgery🫁
Dear Elizabeth and Blu
I understand your frustration—airway obstructions can be devastating. Blu looks like a gentle sweetheart. 💞
The harsh breathing sounds in your video suggest a laryngeal airflow issue. It has a distinct pitch, different from the typical elongated palate stridor.
Breathing Problems Post-Palate Surgery (BOAS-related):
Most common upper airway breathing airflow problems are due to BOAS (brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome)
1. Elongated Soft Palate:
I hope the palate was sufficiently resected when it was done in 2021.
⚠️ Inexperienced surgeons often leave the palate too long or fail to adequately reduce its thickness and folds.
🩺During the surgery, a thorough evaluation of the relevant structures must be conducted.
The palate tip should be grasped and pulled forward to accurately assess its full length, thickness, any folds, and the surrounding areas for other potential laryngeal abnormalities.
- palate
- oral cavity
- larynx
- pharynx
Grab the palate tip and pull it toward you
2. Everted Laryngeal Saccules
⚠️Chronic suction due to negative pressures causes the laryngeal tissue to evert by so forming obstructive "balloons," further restricting airflow.
🩺 Hopefully, if they were everted at the time of the surgery the surgeon removed them.
3. Laryngeal Collapse
⚠️The long-term negative pressure and suction weaken and deform the laryngeal cartilage, leading to irreversible collapse and airway narrowing.
Laryngeal collapse can not be repaired
4. Hypoplastic Trachea
⚠️ Hypoplastic trachea can further restrict airflow, especially in combination with other BOAS-related issues.
NON-BOAS Breathing Problems Post-Palate Surgery :
Other nasopharyngeal, pharyngeal, or laryngeal problems can cause obstructions similar to saccules, elongated palate, or a collapsed larynx. Examples are:
- tumors
- polyps
- swelling
Bulldog Breathing Issues After Surgery RECOMMENDATIONS:
- Airway Radiographs: Get X-rays of Blu’s chest and neck, including the larynx, and have them reviewed by a radiologist familiar with bulldogs.
- Laryngeal Inspection: The larynx, pharynx, palate, saccules, and tonsils should be inspected under sedation or anesthesia with good lighting to help rule out any abnormalities.
- Laryngeal Function Assessment: This requires a specialist with experience in functional and anatomical evaluation, using a respiratory-stimulating drug. ⚠️ Light anesthesia and removal of the endotracheal tube are needed, which adds some risk.
Once you have completed some or all of these steps, feel free to send me the results.
Breathing Issues After Surgery Medical Care:
Regardless of the underlying issue, you can support 'Blu' with the following:
- Weight loss
- Climate and airflow regulation: Avoid heat, and provide a fan for airflow.
- Stress and anxiety reduction: Keep the environment calm.
- Minimize strenuous activity and excitement.
- Prevent gagging, vomiting, and regurgitation: they increase pneumonia risk in bulldogs like Blu.
- Use slow feeders
- and elevated bowls for food and water.
- 🚨Medications for emergencies: Have an emergency kit that includes:
- Tranquilizers: like acepromazine
- Anti-inflammatories like a steroid to help manage laryngeal edema
- Bully Therapeutic Supplements
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- Bully Fish Oil EFA
Keep me updated, and best of luck.
Dr. Kraemer, Vet4Bulldog
Trusted by Vets, Recommended by Owners, Loved by Bulldogs
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