Bulldog Prevent & Treat - By Body Part / System

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   By Body Part & System

Pemphigus Autoimmune Disease

Bulldog and French Bulldog Pemphigus Autoimmune Disease

What is that?

Bulldog Pemphigus is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin epidermis. The treatment can be difficult and lengthy, the outcome might not be favorable.


Crusty, pus-filled lesions, that are often localized to the face and head, ears, and nose, in some cases they also involve the paws, or/and become generalized affecting the entire body.


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Heart Base Tumor

Heart Base Tumor in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Heart Base Tumors are usually chemodectoma’s that have chemoreceptors that regulate heart function. They are slow growing and rarely spread.


They usually affect the heart and heart sac (pericardium) leading to fluid accumulation in the heart sac and abdominal cavity.


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Hypothyroid in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldog hypothyroidism is caused by a deficiency of the thyroid hormone that regulates metabolism. This endocrine disease is more common to aging dogs and rarely seen in young bulldogs. It can be treated with synthetic oral thyroid Rx.


Bulldogs suffering from hypothyroidism are usually overweight, and less active, they often have thin hair, discoloration, and hyperpigmentation of the skin. Some will have a "rat tail" (bold tail), intolerance to low temp and hair that does not grow after clipping.


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Polyarthritis in Bulldogs and French bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Polyarthritis is an abnormal autoimmune disease whereby the body’s immune system attacks your bulldog joints.


Your bulldog may present with fever, inflamed swollen joints, stiffness, and a painful limp in one or multiple joints.


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bone tumor, Osteosarcoma

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Osteosarcoma is a lytic tumor of the bone, it is aggressive, maligned, and carries a poor prognosis. The most common locations are the leg bones.


Bone tumors can lead to microfractures and be very painful, so amputation is usually recommended. Your bulldog will usually limp or be non-weight-bearing and might have swelling and edema at the affected limb.


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Hemolytic Anemia

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) is an immune system disease in which your bulldog’s immune system attacks and destroys its own red blood cells.


Your bulldog will become pale, weak, listless, labored breathing, and might have a low temperature.


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Bulldog Heartworm transmission and illness

What is that?

Bulldog and French Bulldog Heartworms are transmitted by a mosquito bite; they are harmful and potentially life-threatening.


Heartworm preventives can be given annually by a single injection or monthly via the oral or topical route.


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