Bulldog Skin Conditions

Skin and coat disease in bulldogs and French bulldogs include itching allergies such as flea, food, and environmental atopic allergies. Skin mites, bacteria, yeast. Hair loss, baldness, redness, dandruff, and itch are common..

Category:   Skin / Coat

Anal Gland Disease

Anal Gland Abscess, impaction and infection in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Your bulldog’s anal glands are embedded in the anus muscles, thus not readily visible. Each one of the pairs has its own glandular sac and attached ducts that normally empty into the rectum during defecation.


Walnut size red rosy, painful, itchy abscess. Your bulldog might scoot his/her butt. They have a very pungent smelly. When poop a discolored and at times bloody smelly discharge will be noted.


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Pemphigus Autoimmune Disease

Bulldog and French Bulldog Pemphigus Autoimmune Disease

What is that?

Pemphigus in bulldogs is an autoimmune disease that affects the skin epidermis. The treatment can be difficult and lengthy, the outcome might not be favorable.


Crusty, pus-filled lesions, that are often localized to the face and head, ears, and nose, in some cases they also involve the paws, or/and become generalized affecting the entire body.


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Mast Cell Tumor

Bulldog Mast Cell Tumor necrotized

What is that?

Mast cell tumors can come in various forms and sizes, they are the most common skin tumor. They store histamine and are classified as types 1 (see photo) to 3 (aggressive), so early removal is critical.


They can present as small bumps to diffuse large edematous hard ones. Mast cells store histamine when released an inflammatory reaction with edematous redness will ensue. Unattended they can transform into a deadly aggressive form.


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Ringworm Dermatophyte

ringworm infection in Fr. bulldog

What is that?

Bulldog ringworm is not a worm but a fungal infection caused by a group of fungi known as dermatophytes. It is contiguous transferring from one pet to another and from the environment. Additionally, it is zoonotic, allowing an infected bulldog to transmit the condition to humans.


Your bulldog might be itchy, with hair loss and scaling. Sometimes it represents the classic rink like raised circular "worm-like" lesion. If multiple pet's or a family member all have a skin problem at the same time, ringworm as the underlining cause is more likely


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