Intervertebral Disk Back Disease IVDD in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

By: Dr. Roy Kraemer |
DVM, Bulldog Specialist Veterinarian

“Dr. Kraemer, I’m really worried about my Bell. Lately. She seems to be having difficulty moving her hind legs and is showing signs of pain. There’s an unsteady gait, and she’s reluctant to jump onto the couch or go up and down stairs like she used to. Sometimes, she lets out little yelps when I pick her up. It’s heartbreaking to see her like this. I’ve heard about IVDD in Bulldogs, and I’m wondering if that could be what’s going on. 😖🩺

Your expertise means the world to us.  🐾💔 #BellTheBulldog #IVDDConcerns”

Introduction to Bulldog IVDD

Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD) in bulldogs and French bulldogs develops when the gel-like material between the spinal vertebrae deteriorates, herniates, protrudes, and compresses. This protruding compression can injure the spinal cord, resulting in pain, mobility difficulties, incontinence, and, in severe cases, paralysis.


IVDD disc herniation in bulldogs

French Bulldog IVDD Predisposition:

French bulldogs are genetically predisposed to IVDD due to their chondrodystrophic features. These anatomical attributes put additional strain on their intervertebral discs, increasing the risk of herniation.


Unlike other breeds where IVDD is typically seen in older dogs, French bulldogs can experience this condition as early as young adulthood.

The two most common locations of the bulldog and French bulldog IVDD are the

➡️CERVICAL (neck )

➡️THORACOLUMBAR (mid-section).

The Importance of Bulldog IVDD Early Detection

Early detection and prevention is critical. A minor disc bulging with mild superficial spinal compression can often be treated with cage rest, analgesics, and anti-inflammatories, with the expectation of a full recovery.

In contrast, ignoring the early signs could rapidly progress and lead to acute severe deep spinal compression that requires expensive emergency decompressive surgery and could result in irreversible neurological damage.


  1. IVDD is more common in French bulldogs than in English bulldogs.
  2. Bulldogs with IVDD can present with a degree of mild-to-intense pain.
  3. Bulldogs with IVDD can exhibit mild motor, proprioception, and sensory deficits to grave surgical emergency ones.
  4. Treatment depends on severity; while mild cases require cage rest and RX, severe ones require immediate surgery.
  5. Prevention includes Dr. Kraemer’s IVDD Bundles 

Members of this bulldog community prefer prevention over RX

Bulldog IVDD Intervertebral Disc Disease ULTIMATE BUNDLE

Bulldog IVDD Spinal Cord Function

Your bulldog’s spine is the body’s neuro-superhighway, stretching from head to tail and carrying a constant stream of messages between their brain and body. Think about it as a two-way street, handling everything from playful jumps to the tiniest skin twitch.

The spinal cord travels from your bulldog’s head and brain to its pelvis and serves as the main neuro-highway for the upstream and downstream of neurological input and output that includes three major systems


The motor system acts as the conductor, sending electrical signals like sparks through nerves to muscles about how to move, when to contract, and when to relax, flex, and extend. The motor system powers everything from the powerful strides of a walk to chewing food and blinking.


The proprioception neuro system tells your bulldog its body position at all times through sensors in muscles and joints; it’s like their body’s GPS. Imagine catching a ball, your bulldog will need to judge the distance, time the jump, and adjust mid-air—all thanks to proprioception’s system.


The pain sensory neurons alert your bulldog to potential harm. From a hot surface paw to a prick, the pain guides them away from danger, acting as a vigilant guard and ensuring their adventures stay fun and safe.

Fr. Bulldog V4B comfort and Painless handout

Bulldog IVDD Vertebral Column Function

The spinal vertebral column encompasses and protects the spinal cord.  The bony vertebra bodies of the vertebrates shield the spinal cord as it passes through the spinal canal.


The spine serves as a crucial part of the bulldog’s skeleton, protecting the spinal cord as it runs from the head to the tail.


The spinal column consists of four main sections:

  1. Cervical (neck)
  2. Thoracic (chest)
  3. Lumbar (lower back)
  4. Sacral (pelvis)

Each spinal section contains several pairs of vertebrae, connected by intervertebral discs

rupert the french bulldog

Bulldog IVDD Intervertebral Discs Function

These discs have a fibrous outer ring and a gel-like inner core, providing flexibility and stability.

  1. A shock absorber
  2. Allows for some movement of the spine.

The discs help hold the vertebrae together and act as shock absorber

Disc Disease in Bulldog Back

IVDD in Bulldog and French Bulldogs From Bad to Worse

Herniation of the intervertebral disc’s inner core (nucleus pulposus) through its outer fibrous ring (annulus fibrosus) can have several detrimental effects on the spinal cord and consequently inflict:


The protruding disc material can directly compress and damage delicate nerve fibers in the spinal cord, leading to functional impairment and potentially permanent damage.


The body’s natural response to the disc herniation triggers an inflammatory reaction in the surrounding tissues, further impacting nerve function and causing additional pain.


The inflammation contributes to swelling within the spinal canal, creating even more pressure on the vulnerable spinal cord and exacerbating pain and neurological deficits.


Ultimately, the combination of compression, inflammation, and swelling culminates in significant pain for the animal. This pain can manifest in various ways, depending on the location and severity of the herniation, ranging from acute, sharp pain to localized discomfort.

🚨Clinical presentation depends on the severity of the injury and the trauma location (cervical, throacic, abominal, sacral).

How Do I Recognize a Bulldog IVDD Event?

Your bulldog might exhibit a wide range of conditions, from mild discomfort to severe pain, depending on the location, degree of bulging, and spinal cord injury. Listed below are some of the most common manifestations:


  • Stiff Neck: Stiff, sensitive neck
  • Crying: Crying out when touched around the neck or head movements
  • Shaking
  • Abnormal Posture: An arched back, hunched posture
  • Abnormal Stance: A praying position with the head in a low stance
  • Tense: Tense abdomen
  • Weakness: Front and/or hind leg weakness, paw abnormal placement, lameness, and/or motor problems (paraplegia, paralysis)
  • Abnormal Movement: Distress, reluctance to move, jump or walk upstairs
  • Incontinent:
    • URINATION: Difficulties in evacuating the bladder (larger than normal bladder), urine incontinence
    • DEFECATION: Fecal incontinence
  • Dragging & Knuckling: Dragging and knuckling the legs and paws
  • Pain & Pain Loss: Lack of pain or oversensitivity to pain
  • Wobbling: Wobbly, Ataxic gait

bulldog incontinent with a diaper

Bulldog Intervertebral Disk Back Disease Diagnosis

Your veterinarian will ask you leading questions about past and most recent events and proceed with observing, examining, and performing a few simple tests.

  • EXAM: Neurological Examination includes evaluation of mobility, muscle tone, pain, loss of pain, reflux, and toe placement
    • Sensory Assessment: sensory nerve damage, including response to stimuli and pain perception.
    • Proprioception Evaluation: the ability to sense body position and movements.
    • Motor Function Assessment: motor nerve function, including strength, coordination, and ability to move.
  • IMAGING: allows pinpointing the herniated disc location and degree. Anestesia is often required
    • XRAYS: Radiographs might attempted depending on the degree of pain.
    •  MRI  and CT: MRI is usually necessary for a final diagnosis and is the gold standard
    • MYELOGRAM: using a dye
  • LAB: Screening tests like blood and urine might be added
  • SPINAL TAP: for cytology and fluid analysis, culture is usually not required for IVDD but might be suggested if other neurological and back diseases are suspected

MRI is IVDD ultimate diagnostic tool and concidred the gold standard

How to Prevent  Bulldog and French Bulldog IVDD?

There are a few steps you can take to prevent back injuries and IVDD

  • Breeder: buy from a reputable breeder.
  • Weight: maintain lean body weight
  • Activity: Keep your bulldog active but avoid high-impact exercise (stairs, jumping)
  • Cryobanking: You can save stem cells in a cryobank for such an event
  • Therapeutic Bully Supplements

v4b total joint therapeutic supplement handout French bulldog

How are Bulldog and Fr. Bulldog IVDD Treated?

A treatment plan would be proposed based on your veterinarian’s assessment.


A mild case with no serious neurological deficits might only require short-term medication and strict cage rest. It can include therapeutic supplements such as

Bulldog stress less calm chew

Some cases might require

  • pain medication
  • anti-inflammatories
  • and muscle relaxant prescription

Other non-RX therapeutics include:

  • Cold Laser Therapy
  • Pulse Electromagnetic Therapy
  • Stem Cell Therapy

stem cell therapy in bulldogs


Loss of motor function, proprioception, and deep pain sensation are significant indicators of severe neurological damage. This situation warrants immediate attention and usually necessitates referral to a neurologist for thorough evaluation and management. In many cases, surgical intervention is required to address the underlying cause and prevent further damage.


Your vet should be able to decide if your bulldog should be referred to the neurologist based on the neurological examination and imaging results and will discuss medical and surgical options with you.


The severity of the symptoms often determines the urgency of the surgery.

  • Inability to Walk/Paralysis: Indicates severe nerve damage and often necessitates immediate surgical intervention.
  • Loss of Deep Pain Sensation: A critical sign of severe spinal cord injury, making prompt surgery imperative to maximize the chances of recovery

Timely IVDD intervention is crucial for pets experiencing severe neurological symptoms.

Bulldog and French Bulldog IVDD Surgery

Surgery alleviates pressure on the spinal cord caused by herniated disk material or other compressive forces. The procedure involves removing the source of compression to restore normal spinal cord function and relieve pain.

Early surgical intervention often improves outcomes


Post-surgery care is critical for a bulldog’s recovery and overall well-being, particularly after decompression surgery. Proper postoperative care involves several key components, including effective pain management and strict confinement. Your bulldog will require varying levels of nursing and attention to ensure a smooth and successful recovery.
  • Nursing and Care:
    • Pain Control: Administer prescribed pain medications to manage discomfort.
    • Confinement: Restrict movement to allow healing and prevent further injury. Use a crate or a confined space with minimal activity.
  • Managing Incontinence:
    • Diapers: Use diapers to manage urinary and fecal incontinence. Ensure frequent changes to maintain hygiene.
    • Hygiene: Regularly clean the perianal and peri vulvar areas to prevent scalding and infections.
    • Antiseptic Wipes: Utilize products like Dr. Kraemer’s Extra Large Antiseptic Wipes or Bully Antiseptic Lotion to help clean moisture, urine, and fecal material.

bulldog XL Skinfold antiseptic wipes

  • Preventing Infections:
    • Urinary Health Formula: Administer a urinary health formula, such as Bully Urinary Health Formula, to protect against urinary tract infections by preventing ascending bacteria.
    • Probiotics: Use Bully Probiotics EZ to support gut health, especially if antibiotics and steroids are used during treatment.
    • Botanical Fiber: Provide Bully Gentle Move Botanical Fiber to help soften stool and ease bowel movements.
  • Mobility Support:
    • Wheels with Lower Section Support: In cases of significant mobility impairment, consider using a wheelchair designed for dogs to aid movement and improve quality of life.
  • Physiotherapy & Rehab: hydrotherapy, etc

Intervertebral Disk Back Disease (IVDD) in Bulldogs: PROGNOSIS

IVDD prognosis depends on the

  • LOCATION: location of the injury
  • SEVERITY: the severity of the hernia
  • TIMING: how soon treatment was initiated

The longer the damage has been present, the worse the prognosis.

IVDD in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs TIPS & WARNINGS

Below is a short list of IVDD tips and warnings courtesy of Dr. Kraemer


IVDD medical management requires strict cage rest for at least four weeks. This rest is crucial to allow a “scar” to form over the top of the disc material. Early activity may precipitate the herniation of the remaining disc material and worsen your dog’s condition


Bladder Function After Spinal Injury

After a spinal injury, your bulldog’s bladder function might be compromised due to interference with nerve signals that control bladder muscle contractions and relaxation. This can result in several issues:

  • Incomplete Bladder Emptying: The bladder may not expel urine entirely, increasing the risk of infection.
  • Overflow Incontinence: Due to ineffective contractions, the bladder may overflow, leading to uncontrollable dribbling.

Signs to Watch For

  • Frequent Dribbling or Leaking
  • Noticeable Wetness: Around the vaginal folds and hind legs
  • Straining to Urinate
  • Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Resulting from urine stasis and incomplete emptying

Monitoring these signs and seeking veterinary advice promptly can help manage bladder issues effectively and prevent further complications.

V4B Urinary Tract Health Supplement


Just as spinal injuries can impact bladder function, they can also disrupt your bulldog or French bulldog’s bowel movements due to damage to nerves governing bowel function. This can impede the ability to initiate and complete defecation, leading to:

Common Bowel Issues

  • Constipation: Difficulty passing stool due to slowed intestinal movement and weakened straining muscles.
  • Fecal Incontinence: Loss of control over bowel movements, resulting in accidental leakage of stool.
  • Impaction: An accumulation of hardened stool in the rectum, causing discomfort and further blockage.

bulldog anal gland and fiber gentle move

Signs to Monitor

  • Strain: Straining to defecate, with your dog pushing and grunting but unable to pass stool.
  • Frequency: Reduced stool frequency, passing stool less than once daily, or experiencing prolonged intervals between bowel movements.

Regular monitoring and timely intervention can help manage these issues effectively and improve your dog’s comfort and quality of life.

Other Bulldog and French Bulldog Back Problems

Your veterinarian needs to rule out other common bulldog back problems that could clinically present with symptoms similar to IVDD. Here is a short list:

severe kyphosis vertebral malformation in French bulldog

  • Vertebral Malformation:
  • Vertebral Fracture: A spinal fracture, or dislocation of the spine, is most commonly associated with trauma.
  • Vertebral Osteomyelitis: Spinal infections.
  • Spinal and Vertebral Cancer: Spinal tumors of the spinal bone or cord
  • Spinal Spondylosis: Arthritis of the spine, most common in the lumbar and sacral vertebrae
  • Spinal Fibrocartilaginous emboli:  an acute “stroke-like” disorder of the spinal cord. In contrast to other spinal conditions such as Bulldog IVDD, Bulldog FCE is a painless spinal condition except for an initial sharp pain that soon subsides.

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The information provided on this platform is for general informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your veterinarian regarding any medical condition. It's important to always consider professional medical advice promptly and not to delay seeking it based on information you've read on this platform. Any reliance on the information provided here is entirely at your discretion.