Category: Itching / Baldness
Food Allergy
What is that?
Food allergy is usually year-round (not seasonal) and is usually triggered by dietary proteins such as chicken, beef, etc. It typically triggers either an internal reaction in the gastrointestinal system or/and a dermal one that can include skin, paws, and ears.
Symptoms include digestive problems such as flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting when affecting the digestive tract, and itching, biting, and rubbing when affecting the skin, ears, and coat.
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Ringworm Dermatophyte
What is that?
Bulldog ringworm is not a worm but a fungal infection caused by a group of fungi known as dermatophytes. It is contiguous transferring from one pet to another and from the environment. Additionally, it is zoonotic, allowing an infected bulldog to transmit the condition to humans.
Your bulldog might be itchy, with hair loss and scaling. Sometimes it represents the classic rink like raised circular "worm-like" lesion. If multiple pet's or a family member all have a skin problem at the same time, ringworm as the underlining cause is more likely
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