Bulldogs Pain & Discomfort
Care & Treatment

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   Pain / Discomfort

MPL Medial Patella Luxation

What is that?

The patella is a small sesamoid bone situated on top of the knee joint (knee cup) and is part of the extensor mechanism. In bulldogs, it can luxate/clicks inward (medially) causing instability and arthritis.


Clicking when walking flex/extend knee joint, limp, skips, hind leg non-weight bearing, bow-legged stance. The condition usually can be diagnosed early in life by an orthopedic exam manual palpation.


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Vertebral Malformation

What is that?

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs Spinal malformations (Bulldog Scoliosis) are inborn abnormalities of the vertebral column.


It can be an incidental finding on a radiograph or can cause a wide range of neurological conditions, such as weakness, pain, paralysis, and incontinence.


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Spondylosis Vertebral Arthritis

Bulldog and French bulldog Spondylosis Vertebral Arthritis

What is that?

Spondylosis is a degenerative disease of the vertebral bodies of your bulldog spine. On radiographs, it might present as bone spears and abnormal bone formation between a part of the vertebral bodies or full vertebral fusion.


Bulldog spondylosis vertebral arthritis can manifest as discomfort, back pain, stiffness, lameness, hind disuse muscle atrophy, and hind legs weakness.


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Disc Disease

Disc and Back Disease in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Disc Disease can be caused by a wide range of conditions, the most common of which are vertebral malformation, disc herniation, kyphosis, scoliosis, degenerate arthritic spondylosis, and spina bifida.


Disc disease is likely to cause pain and neurological deficits. Your bulldog can become paralyzed or have a limb weakness, drag his/her legs, cry in pain, lose pain sensation, and become incontinent.


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Dental Disease

Dental Disease in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Over 80% of bulldogs have a dental disease at various stages making it their #1 medical condition. Bulldog dental disease often includes a plaque, tartar, gingivitis, cavities, decay, general periodontitis, and bacterial infection that can lead to systemic disease.


Dental disease is usually associated with pain, difficulty eating and chewing, decrease appetite, red gums, funky breath, bleeding raw gums, and teeth loss. For prevention start brushing and implement our bully dental low-cost bundles


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Oral Tumors

What is that?

Bulldog oral tumors can be benign, locally aggressive, or malignant (cancerous). Benign examples are epulis, cancerous are often squamous carcinomas that carry a poor prognosis.


Benign tumors are usually pink nonulcerative and smaller with minimal bleeding and necrosis. Aggressive cancerous ones are often hard, growing, necrotizing, bleeding, infected, with a rancid smell.


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