Bulldog Redness / Discoloration
Care & Treatment

Bulldogs and French Bulldogs are prone to a wide range of painful and debilitating breed-related medical conditions. Most can be prevented and safely treated at your home, at a minimal cost.

Category:   Redness / Discoloration

Allergic Otitis

Ears Allergic Otitis in Bulldogs and Otitis In French Bulldogs

What is that?

Ear allergies are led by environmental atopic and food allergies. The ears are extensions of the skin thus dermatitis and otitis are often diagnosed simultaneously.


Itching & scratching is the whole mark of allergies, inflammation, swelling, redness, foul odor, and pain.


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Otitis Externa

Otitis Externa Ear Disease in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Bulldog and French bulldog otitis externa is an ear disease of the external ear canal usually due to the bulldog breed's narrow ear canal, lack of normal cell migration, and propensity to allergies. It is usually a mix of inflammation and infection.


Otitis externa typically presents as an itchy, red, swollen, painful ear, combined with a strong odor and a heavy discharge. Routine preventive rinsing and wiping with our bully therapeutic topicals are critical.


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Ear Mites

bulldog and fr bulldog ear mite

What is that?

Ear mites are contagious parasitic infections that are transmitted from one pet to the other, the bugs can be diagnosed with a small power microscope. They are not common to bulldogs and Fr. Bulldogs


Ear mites can lead to head shaking, excess wax, redness itching around the head and ear base, dark discharge, discomfort, and pain.


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Endstage Stenotic Ear

What is that?

The stenotic end-stage is an ear canal obstructed by often fibrous, calcified, or even ossified diseased tissue, mostly due to chronic unattended otitis compounded by allergy, or/and bacteria & yeast infectious otitis.


The end-stage bully ear is an irreversible ear disease, its very painful and stenotic often cauliflower thicken completely closed, hyperplastic, infected, purulent smelly ear canal.


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Ear Hematoma

What is that?

An aural ear hematoma is a pooling of frank blood in the ear flap usually from a traumatic event such as an intense scratch. Allergies and ear infections are the most common itch trigger.


Swollen blood-filled ear flap, the hematoma ear flap usually feels soft and puffy, sometimes red, painful, and inflamed.


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Food Allergy

Food Allergy in Bulldogs and French Bulldogs

What is that?

Food allergy is usually year-round (not seasonal) and is usually triggered by dietary proteins such as chicken, beef, etc. It typically triggers either an internal reaction in the gastrointestinal system or/and a dermal one that can include skin, paws, and ears.


Symptoms include digestive problems such as flatulence, diarrhea, vomiting when affecting the digestive tract, and itching, biting, and rubbing when affecting the skin, ears, and coat.


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